07 March, 2014

Gloves And Mittens: All That Needs To Be Known

Gloves and Mittens
One of the most reliable and effective method of keeping chilling wind from freezing the hands is to wear gloves and mittens. Though these two products are almost identical, there is a certain difference between them. While a glove covers each and every finger individually, mittens are more like an envelope covering four fingers collectively and the thumb individually. Mittens are more suitable for extreme cold weather as in the polar circle or at a high altitude. There are different types of gloves and mittens available in the market and buyers should make a careful choice from the options in hand.


A glove is specifically designed to cover each and every finger individually apart from providing a cover for the thumb as well as the palm and the palm top. Grooves are made for every individual finger, thus giving the glove a resemblance to a hand with five fingers. Gloves can be made of wool as well as leather. In most of the places where winter is chilling and extremely cold woolen gloves are used. Leather gloves are more like fashion accessories mainly worn by bikers in order to have a better grip on their bike. However, leather gloves also have certain thermal properties and can be used to keep the hands from freezing.
Gloves and Mittens


Mittens are almost like gloves, the only different being they cover the hand as a whole instead of covering each finger individually. Mittens are generally regarded to be more effective against severe cold and this is why people who live or work in an extremely chilling weather always prefer to wear mittens. The lack of grooves reduces the total surface thus decreasing the exposure to cold air which in turn results in better thermal insulation of the hands. These unique products are generally made of high quality wool and are woven thick and compact in order to prevent cold air from sipping into it.

These products can be bought online nowadays as most of the Gloves Manufacturers sell their products through online stores. It is also possible to purchase directly from the manufacturers but that would require the buyer to make a bulk purchase. Those who want to buy these products on retail can visit online stores and place an order after going through the catalogs. The products are delivered to the designated address within a very little time without failure.


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