12 August, 2014

Different types of Coir Machinery

Since Industrial Revolution of the 19th century a large number of machines have come to dominate the industrial world. Today it is impossible to imagine life without machines as the progress of the modern world has largely been made possible by these machines. It is true that over the last few years there have been considerable developments in different industrial sectors and the fiber processing industry is also of no exception. When it comes to fiber processing industry Coir Machinery deserves a special mention. These machinery are used to separate the fibers from the coir and process them according to the requirement.
Coir Machinery
Fiber Extraction Machine

Fiber extraction machines are generally used to extract the fiber from the coir and discard the waste products. These machines form the nucleus of the fiber processing industry and so users have to be very careful regarding their choice. These machines are mainly of three types— Debriefing Unit, Crusher Decorticator Unit and Buster Decorticator Unit. Each of these machines is designed for a different purpose, though their basic function remains the same. The respective capacities of these machines can be regulated according to the requirement of clients.

Coir Baling Press

Coir baling press is an important form of Coir Machinery and is nowadays used all over the world. These machines are used for baling the coir fibers before being moved for further processing. Generally the capacity of these machines varies between three bales per hour to ten bales per hour, but additional arrangements can be made in order to increase the capacity. Each bale weighs between 50 Kg and 150 Kg and clients can easily have what they want.

Coir Weaving Machines

Coir weaving machines are used to weave the coir to give them a definite shape and form. These machines have auto functions and so users do not need to invest time in operating them. These machines are of mainly two types— Matting Looms and Geo textiles Looms. These two types of machines are used for two different types of weaving patterns and so users have to be very careful while purchasing such a machine.

Coir Machinery Manufacturers nowadays offer their products over the internet. This has made it possible for users from different parts of the world to purchase these products. All that clients need to do is to place an online order for these machines and receive the products within a very few days.


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